As an athlete of USA Badminton, you are taking the pledge to:
- Abide by all rules related to selection procedures as approved by USA Badminton;
- Be eligible to compete under the rules of the Badminton World Federation; and be a current member of USA Badminton in good standing;
- Act and will act in a sportsmanlike manner consistent with the spirit of fair play and responsible conduct;
- Respect the property of others whether personal or public;
- Respect other players, other teams, spectators and officials, and engage in no form of discriminatory behavior or verbal, physical or sexual harassment or abuse;
- Maintain a level of fitness and competitive readiness that will permit my performance to be at the maximum of my abilities;
- Agree to be filmed and photographed by the official photographer(s) and network(s) of USA Badminton under conditions authorized by USA Badminton and give event organizers and USA Badminton the right to use my name, picture, likeness, and biographical information before, during and after the period of my participation in these activities to promote the activity in which I participate or to promote the success of the team on which I compete; in no event may USA Badminton or the event organizers use or authorize the use of my name, picture, likeness, voice and biographical information for the purpose of trade, including any use in a manner that would imply an endorsement of any company, product, or service, without my written permission;
- Not use or authorize the use of photographs, films or videos of myself in the use of the USA Badminton logo for the purpose of trade, without the prior written consent of USA Badminton (which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld);
- Act in a way that will bring respect and honor to myself, USA Badminton and the United States; and remember that at all times I am an ambassador for my sport, my country and the Olympic Movement;
- Refrain from conduct detracting from my ability or that of my teammates to attain peak performance;
- Understand and agree that the BWF Anti-Doping Rules and U.S. Anti-Doping Agency Protocol for Olympic and Paralympic Movement Testing (USADA Protocol) and all other policies and rules adopted by the BWF, USADA, and the USOC apply to me and that it is my responsibility to comply with those rules.
- Agree to submit to drug testing at any time and understand that the use of methods or substances prohibited by the applicable antidoping rules would make me subject to penalties including, but not limited to, disqualification and suspension. If it is determined that I may have committed a doping violation, I agree to submit to the results management authority and processes of USADA, including arbitration under the USADA Protocol, or to the results management authority of the BWF and/or my national federation, if applicable or referred by USADA.
- Agree to not commit a doping violation as defined by the International Olympic Committee (IOC), World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA), the United States Anti-Doping Agency (USADA), the United States Olympic Committee (USOC) or the Badminton World Federation (BWF) rules;
- Agree that I am not currently be serving a doping violation and/or do not have a pending or unresolved doping charge;
- Read and understand the Badminton World Federation Players’ Code of Conduct, Declaration of Integrity of Matches and Offences & Penalties.
- Agree that I will abide by the rules specified in these documents. I am responsible to pay any penalty imposed by the Badminton World Federation and/or continental organizations which will be invoiced by USA Badminton.
- Understand and agree that if I am an athlete in regular contact with and/or have authority over minor athletes (regardless of the age of the minor athletes) that I am required to abide by the policy and training requirements policies set forth in the USAB Minor Athlete Abuse Prevention Policy and USAB SafeSport Policy;
- Not engage in any conduct that is criminal under any laws applicable to me, including, but not limited to laws governing the possession and use of drugs and alcohol and providing of drugs to any person and of alcohol to minors.