2022 USAB South Frisco ORC Prospectus Released

The 2021-2022 USA Badminton Open Regional Championship for the South will be held at Frisco Badminton from January 15, 2022 to January 17, 2022. 

Please remember to renew your USA Badminton membership through the new Club Locker system and follow the instructions in the prospectus regarding the eligibility document verification process. 

Note that due to a large amount of requests for coaching passes coming in for all tournaments, we will be implementing a new deadline system for coaching pass requests. Please see the prospectus for more information. Coaching pass requests through Jotform that are considered “on-time” will need to be submitted by the deadline below. Coaching pass requests through Jotform after the deadline below and up until three days prior to the start of the tournament will be subject to a $200 late request fee.

Entry/Withdraw and On-Time Coaching Pass Request Deadline:
December 16, 2021 by 11:59 AM (one minute BEFORE NOON) PST

Click here for the prospectus.

Click here for the TournamentSoftware page.
